The Funeral Flower by Michelle Jester – Review

The Funeral Flower
By Michelle Jester
Christian, Romance
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The Funeral Flower

[I received a copy of this novel from Netgalley in return for my honest review.]

When she’s a young girl, Kelly Rodgers loses her grandfather. Unable to cope, her life begins to spin out of control until she meets a young boy through the fence at her grandparent’s house who becomes her new foundation. Kelly learns to smile and hope again, but tragedy isn’t done with her yet.

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Miranda and Caliban by Jacqueline Carey – Review

There are few things that would creep me out more than being on an island where there were only three people, but the island was big enough for people to hide on. Can you imagine it? You’re on an island, settling in for the night and all of a sudden you hear someone scream or even just the rustle of leaves. Was there a person in that bush? Am I about to be attacked by an animal? If I fall and break my leg, will I starve and die like that?

Just thinking about it gives me the heebie-jeebies, but I honestly wish that was the direction that Miranda and Caliban had taken. Instead, we were taken on a strange journey of abuse and isolation that meandered before sprinting toward its end.

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6 Books with Flawed Fathers that You Need to Read

When you’re younger it’s easy to think that fathers are infallible. Maybe it’s just because they’re so tall, but fathers seem perfectly capable of chasing down monsters when you’re a kid. They’re there to be goofy with you, to help support your dreams, and to help you grow into the best adult that you can be. But there are times when fathers fall short of who they’re supposed to be.

Maybe it’s apparent when you’re a kid. Maybe you don’t realize until you’re older, but eventually that shoe has to drop.

Dads are people too and even if you love your father, he’s probably just as flawed as everyone else.

So in honour of Father’s Day and all those dads with all their flaws, here are my top 6 books with flawed father figures.
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