The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward – Review

There are work weeks where you feel like it’s never going to end. Or maybe it’s when school is being killer. My go to has always been light-hearted books in those weeks. Ones that were cute, had some stakes to them, but that never made me anxious or worried. The Potion Diaries fits into this niche perfectly. Want a way to unwind? Want something fun and uncomplicated to read as you’re winding down for the weekend?

Start here.

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Seriously, What Am I Doing Here? by Ken Schneck – Review

[I received a review copy of this book in return for an unbiased review.]

Listen to me, all authors in the future. Covers are incredibly important. You would think that people would listen to the whole “Don’t judge a book by its cover” adage, but we don’t. Maybe we don’t form all our future opinions on the cover design, but humans are fallible and we’re weak, so initial impressions are impacted by how cool or unique a cover looks. So when I was scrolling through my feed and saw that there was a book that had a red-headed, bespectacled man riding the dragon from The Neverending Story with the biggest grin on his face, I knew I had to read it.

I mean, look at this cover:


How could you resist?

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