Facing Death: My Top 5 Nonfiction Books About Death

Death is a part of life. There’s no escaping it and while some people dread death and others embrace it, we’re fascinated by it. For example, think of the last movie you saw without a death in it. Even Disney movies kill off their villains most of the time.

So lately, I’ve been reading a lot about death. I was always fascinated by the True Crime side of things, but never really thought about what it would be like on the other side. Books about death or facing death can take on all sorts of feelings. Usually they fall into two camp: the serious and the irreverent.

For obvious reasons, I find the irreverent more fun. While they can still be terrifying and unnerving, they take the edge off a bit. I’m not including adventure nonfiction in this list, but if you’re looking for those, you can find them here.

So, which books should you look at to learn more about death? Continue reading

Try Herding Cats When Life Feels Like Too Much

Herding Cats
by Sarah Andersen
Humour, Nonfiction, Autobiography, Graphic Novels

Buy now on Amazon

[[I was given a free copy of this book in return for my honest review.]]

The world is absolutely @%#$&% and sometimes it might feel like there’s no saving it.

For me personally it was such a rough year that I had to stop blogging about books and I slowly stopped reading the further we got into the year. It wasn’t because I didn’t love the books or that I didn’t want to do these things, but the outside world was so overwhelming that it felt flat out impossible to focus on my creative endeavours.

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Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell – Review

“One night last summer, all the killers in my head assembled on a stage in Massachusetts to sing show tunes.

And so we begin our journey down the Assassination Vacation rabbit hole that is Sarah Vowell’s obsession with presidents who were assassinated. She’s determined to go on a road trip and to immerse herself in the macabre details that were a part of what made America the country it is today. Sarah Vowell, a self-confessed weirdo, is joined on some of her trip by her patient sister and her nephew who might just be taking a little too much after her.

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