6 Best Hidden Bookish Gifts at Indigo

Indigo is a store I’ve loved since I was a kid. Back when they were still called Chapters instead of Indigo, I would spend hours in the store. My poor parents would try to kill time in the coffee shop. As an adult, I prefer the more indie bookstores to find that sense of wonder, but there are still some amazing books on offer at Indigo. I’ve kept that spirit as an adult, combing their website for the best hidden bookish gifts at Indigo.

The big problem? They’re so hard to find. Indigo does a horrible job of advertising some of the legitimately cool things that they have. I’ll get some emails about blankets and household things, but they won’t tell me about the fancy remakes of the classic books that they have.

Another example is that I had no idea that Indigo had book boxes until I stumbled upon them by accident.

Looking for the best hidden bookish gifts that Indigo has to offer? Look no further! Hidden behind all the houseware is a treasure trove of cool books. Many of these are limited time offers, so I’ll update this page semi-regularly.

As always, please note that some of the links below are affiliate links. If you’re interested in buying the books, please consider clicking on them! They help keep the lights on.

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5 Simple Steps To Get Started with Fountain Pens

Fountain Pens are something which automatically feel like they’re going to be expensive, but that’s not true! Fountain Pens are better for the environment than disposable pens, more customizable, and they’re open for anyone. If you have ten bucks, you can buy a decent pen and get started with fountain pens!

Some people (like me) will end up dropping hundreds on pretty inks to go with the pens, but plenty of people have one type of ink that they like and one pen that is their go to. With the right tools, you can find a great fountain pen plus ink for less than $30 which will last you for years. So, ready to go on your fountain pen adventure?

Yeeees, let’s go~.

As always, please note that some of the links below are affiliate links. If you’re interested in buying the books, please consider clicking on them! They help keep the lights on.

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The 5 Best Budget Fountain Pens for Canadians

I love fountain pens so much. There’s something so satisfying about writing with a good pen, especially if you’re writing on good paper and can see some sheen on it. But we all can’t start with the more expensive pens. Heck, I’m still using the middling cost pens (even though I covet some of the ones over $1000). When I first got started looking at fountain pens, I was overwhelmed by the cost and amount of choices for them, so I’m going to try to make this simple for everyone. If you want the basic steps, check out my post of 5 simple steps for getting started with fountain pens.

Rule 1: Fountain pens are not just for calligraphy. You can get great fountain pens that are for every day use.

Rule 2: Fountain pens don’t need to be expensive. Budget fountain pens exist and we’re going to find the one that’s perfect for you!

I’ve previously talked about the best stores to order fountain pens from for Canadians and fountain pens on a budget, but here are the 5 best budget fountain pens on the market today. All of these have been tested by me, so I can attest to their quality. I hope you love them as much as I do!

Without further ado, here are the top 5~!

As always, please note that some of the links below are affiliate links. If you’re interested in buying the books, please consider clicking on them! They help keep the lights on.

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