The 3 Best Book Subscription Boxes That You Have to Try

Updated April 8th, 2021

Okay, everyone. I have a confession to make. There are a few book subscription boxes that I’ve tried and loved to death. …But I’m not always able to justify the price of these boxes. Some of them are great. Some are even in my best value book subscription boxes list, but there are others that I have to just give up on. Like a child looking longingly at toys through a store window, I have to admit that though beautiful, they’re too rich for my blood.

Book subscription boxes feel like Christmas every month. I can’t begin to explain the rush that I get from them. Maybe it’s the secret nature of the box, maybe it’s because I just love getting little gifts. Either way, when I’m subscribed to a book subscription box, I look forward to it every month.

So which book subscription boxes would I have monthly subscriptions to no matter what if I had the money?

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The Wordy Traveler: June Unboxing

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a junkie for nonfiction that has us travelling around the world, so when I heard about The Wordy Traveler crate, I knew that I had to have it.

The crate focuses in on helping out armchair explorers while also giving back to the communities through donations. So not only did I get some awesome books to read, but I’d get ethically sourced tea, and be able to send money toward a child.

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